Wednesday, December 31, 2014

One Word...that's all it takes. I recently read the book One Word by Debbie Macomber which is a great read. Then I started noticing a lot of people choosing a word for the year. I've been pondering and pondering for a few days what MY one would could be. I kept hearing the word determined. I am more than ready to say good bye to 2014. It has been a year of continued development of my strength following my double knee surgery in 2013, being able to actually walk around the classroom while teaching I am no longer tied to a chair. Today while checking Instagram I saw what @aclassroomfullofsmiles had this awesome thing going. #oneword2015

 What this word means for me:
1. I am determined to get fit and healthier.
2. I am determined to blog more.
3. I am determined to eventually open a TPT shop
4. I am determined to get money healthier.

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year and the best ever 2015 you can have.

Friday, June 27, 2014

I got out of school on June 13th. It was a rather bittersweet ending. I came to really love the class I had not only because it was a smaller class than the previous year but also because they were a truly great group of kids.  I managed to get my room closed up in record time then spent three days at an annual Leadership Conference that I've attended the past four or five years.

Then came the marathon cleaning in preparation for some new furniture at home, furniture arrived and now it's a marathon to determine where everything will go. While doing all of this I have of course been thinking about school and what I want to do next year.

And if that wasn't enough I created another blog or two to play around with. They are both geared to third grade though the information I plan to share there could be used anywhere.

More to come as the summer progresses.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

My Classroom

I have been working on reorganizing my classroom and will be posting some pictures soon. Guess I should add a section here for that. Be on the look out for classroom pictures and organization tips I've picked up over the years.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

One of my goals this year is to really get going on blogging.  With so many blogs out there for teachers it hasn't been easy to come up with a focus. I named the blog primarymeltingpot because there are so many things that are thrown at us and so many strategies we have to incorporate that it came to me the same applies to the blog.

With that being said one of my many inspirations for beginning to blog and share my ideas is Charity Preston from The Organized Classroom. She has so many ideas and is always sharing relevant information and finding new ways to help teachers. One thing I've learned is to blog you have to be organized and she has the tools to help you.  Check out this post for how to be an organized blogger. Thank you, Charity for always answering my endless questions and being an inspiration.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

It's a give away

Literacy and Laughter is having a great giveaway for an Erin Condren gift certificate. Head on over and enter and while you are there check out her terrific blog.